Hey! I've add you on MSN because i know where to get a growling DnB bass tutorial and i'd like to share it with you XD! Helps ALOT in DnB songs =D!
See you in MSN!
PM if you'd like custom loops,
Age 33
None, currently.
Joined on 5/17/07
Hey! I've add you on MSN because i know where to get a growling DnB bass tutorial and i'd like to share it with you XD! Helps ALOT in DnB songs =D!
See you in MSN!
I don't have MSN, could you email me instead?
The combination of your name and that first sentence reminds me of those old pokemon cartoons, so I kinda thought:
"Today, a young boy from Pallet Town starts his journey to become the ultimate Loop Master"
All of a sudden I'm very ashamed of my name :(
Teach me.
I have nothing to teach though :O
I love your loops, and plan to use some in a game I'm making. You are the loop master! Keep it up!
Thanks! I'll be releasing another loop soon that I hope some flash artists will see :)
You make awsome songs, more awsome than you think.
youre pretty good music artist and you got your songs offered on smileys war
Love your loops. I plan to use several of them for my game =D
Mr. UOTD, you made some legendary audio. Please come back.
Been trying to contact you about using your music in a game, but email bounces. Hope you check your comments or PM ;)
Lovely, I'm working on a game right now and I'll contact you when it comes down to picking music... hopefully you'll still be around :-)
I'm always ready to write new music :)